Covid Safety Plan
Dromana Community Market - Covid Safety Plan
Victoria’s COVID-19 vaccination requirements (as of 20 October, 2021)
Stall Holders
Market Rules and Regulations have been updated to comply with the Victoria’s COVID-19 vaccination requirements.
It is recognised that some of the following requirements may seem harsh, however, the Rotary Club of Dromana, and the Dromana Community Market must work with all stake holders (Stall Holders, Patrons and Government Agencies) as we move beyond the impact that COVID 19 has had on our lives. As a result, the Dromana Community Market is to follow State Government guidelines through the Covid 19 pandemic which offers the opportunity for the market to commence again in November 2021.
Covid Compliance Requirements
The market is to commence on Saturday 27th November and it is essential for the market to follow state government COVID 19 requirements.
This includes “All Stall Holders and persons assisting” stall holders being either:
- a) being fully vaccinated,
- b) partially vaccinated and have a booking scheduled for the 2nd dose, or
- c) have a first vaccination booking scheduled at least 14 days before the upcoming market.
Vaccination Certificates
To maintain legal obligations associated with the markets COVID Safe Plan, market management will require copies of vaccination certificates for all stall holders and their assistants.
Please email a copy of your vaccination certification status to:
Note: Unfortunately stall holders will not be able to attend the market without submitting a copy of their vaccination status.
It should be noted that vaccination certificates, and any associated information provided, will be covered by the Privacy Act 1998 and will be stored in accordance with Australian Privacy Principles (APP).
Additionally, privacy is assured through the Rotary Club of Dromana as it is obliged to uphold the global reputation and integrity of Rotary International. As a result, you can be comfortable that all information supplied will be retained in accordance with APP directives and that no details will be disclosed without consent.
Dromana Community Market – Covid Safety Plan
The Rotary Club of Dromana takes the threat posed by the COVID-19 virus seriously, and after careful consideration the Dromana Community Market is to be reopened while ensuring the safety of our staff, stall holders, and patrons are a major priority. As a result, the following measures have been introduced to help prevent the possible transmission of the virus during market day.
Safe Covid Practice
- Sign in with the Market QR Code when available
- Ensure physical distancing
- Wear a face covering
- Practice good hygiene
The Rotary Club of Dromana takes the threat posed by the COVID-19 virus seriously, and after careful consideration the Dromana Community Market is to be reopened while ensuring the safety of our staff, stall holders, and patrons are a major priority. As a result, the following measures have been introduced to help prevent the possible transmission of the virus during market day.
Safe Covid Practice
- Ensure physical distancing
- Wear a face covering
- Practice good hygiene
- Keep records and act quickly if workers become unwell
- Avoid interactions in enclosed spaces
- Create workforce bubbles
On the Day
- Market will be conducted in conjunction with the Club’s Covid safe plan.
- Preferred transactions will be either EFPOST or credit card.
- Each Stall holder to provide hand sanitiser at their stall site for use by any patron or
market participant upon request. - Toilets will be sanitised at the beginning and end of every hour.
- All stall holders and market staff will refrain from personal contact – such as
handshakes, hugging etc. - All persons will be encouraged to maintain a social distance of 1.5m at all times.
Market staff
At this time all market staff are healthy and follow strict procedures that include:
- Regular hand sanitising throughout market times.
- Appropriate use of gloves when handling food.
- Not permitted to attend work if they are unwell.
Stall holders and customers
The Club request our valued stall holders and customers to:
- Wear face coverings at all times (unless exempt).
- If you have a fever, cough and / or difficulty breathing, please stay at home and
attend the market at another time. - Observe social distancing requirements.
On behalf of the Rotary Club of Dromana we encourage you to continue coming out and exploring what is on offer in Dromana while helping Rotary to raise funds for those that are in need within our community.
Thank you for your continued trust in us and we look forward to continue delivering you a amazing experience as we re-establish the Dromana Community Market following the Covid – 19 lockdown.